Gear Box

311 items found
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10229451000 8-190 8190 Machined in the USA from drill rod grade steel then hardened to resist wear.
    10688003000 10-6803 106803 Internal coil is coated to prevent the plunger from seizing or binding up guaranteeing you that the pinsetter cycles and the plunger disengages every cycle.
      10688003003 10-6804 106804 Manufactured in the USA from a high grade alloy that gives more pulling force then our competitor’s plungers.
        11131516000 11-1215 111215 Machined in the USA from a tough alloy steel then hardened.
          11300001001 11-3001 113001 113011 11-3011
            11301002001 11-3012 113012

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