
48 items found
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12252377002 Manufactured in the USA with a super absorbent material and sewn with a heavy nylon thread to prevent premature failure. Custom material is surface brushed to create more friction between the ball and the wipe.
    12252377003 Manufactured in the USA with a super absorbent material and sewn with a heavy nylon thread to prevent premature failure. Custom material is surface brushed to create more friction between the ball and the wipe.
      12252378001 Custom designed insert pad is vinyl coated to resist oil saturation. Sewn in the USA with four rows of nylon thread to prevent the pad from coming apart. Far superior to any other pad on the market!
        12252378003 Custom designed insert pad is vinyl coated to resist oil saturation. Sewn in the USA with four rows of nylon thread to prevent the pad from coming apart. Far superior to any other pad on the market!

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